Monday, December 21, 2009

Williams Christening

My 6 month old grandson William Riley Close was christened on the 20th December at St. Brigids church in Mordialloc. Father Michael made the stole and the candle.
William wore his Mum's (my daughter Fiona's) christening gown, originally made by my Mother. I had to "boy" it a bit by making a false panel to cover the lace front and replaced the yellowed ribbon with a pale blue ribbon. It was a lovely day.
All this in the same church my daughter was christened in, had her 1st communion, confirmation then married in.


  1. What a gorgeous little boy and thank you for sharing the lovely photos of your family.

  2. What a lovely babe, Norma. the pictures are so nice. i agree that they seem to grow up in the blink of an eye so we need to enjoy that special time while we can.! No wonder that you are a proud " grandma" :-)

  3. He is gorgeous. How lovely that he is wearing his mums gown, not many people keep things like that these days.

